Monday, April 14, 2014


The government of Nigeria is comprised of a constitutional state that is held together with 36 individual states. There are over 500 different ethnic groups in Nigeria which leads a vastly diverse population. This is also a reason why they have so much violence in the country.

For example, today, there was a bomb blast at a bus stop that killed over 71 people. On march 13 a gun man on a motor cycle shot and killed over one hundred people for no real rhyme or reason.
On march 6th 4 gay men were beatin in public for being Gay. Then in January 24 another 17 people were shot and killed in their village.

Nigeria is constantly faced with violence, miry because they are culturally separated.

1 comment:

  1. It's very terrifying to hear that religious extremists are attacking and killing innocent humans. After reading Nigeria's chapter in our text, I was aware of the religious conflict between Hinduism and Christianity so this attacks and all around Nigeria like the one in Maindaguru is very common. In the article, thirteen people were killed and a village was burned down by Islamic extremist. It's very difficult to hear about these innocent victims that are killed or their villages are burned down. This event just shows, the lack of governments control over these extremists. Although the country of Nigeria has a very similar government system to that of the United States, religion is a huge problem and has continued to refrain the country from achieving equality. This horrific event should not be taken lightly and the government must put an end to this violence.
