Monday, March 24, 2014

How indians are killing one another

When I think about the nation of India, I do not think about domestic violence, mass bombing and violent take overs of religious temples. I think of a peaceful group that might have problems due to its size, but the idea of extremist violence seams to far fetched. However, according to Mr.Roskin and Google I am mistaken.

All of thees posts, weather from a news source or an online encyclopedia page, all speak of how rape and pure hated violence are on the incline. I found all of these just by googling violence in India, which makes you think about how much is not going on to be reported. India has a population of 1.237 billion people all trying to be a functioning democracy, which leads to problems.

When trying to make a government look like its working, it needs to look as if everybody is happy. So hiding violence would be one way to do that. meaning that it is very possible that there is far more happening in India that what we are able to read I the Western world. 

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