Monday, March 31, 2014

mexico and their drugs

Mexico has been a battlefield for the drug trade for years. The cartels have done anything in their power to getting their drugs into the United States. The Mexican government has blamed the United States government multiple times for their drug problems.  The Mexican government says that the reason the drug trade is so high, is because the market in in the United States. Most of the drugs going through mexico are finding themselves in the United States.  yet it seems kind of extremist that people are blaming the United States for Mexican problems. I mean it seems like more of a problem for the United States when the cartel leaders are coming to the United States.

Monday, March 24, 2014

How indians are killing one another

When I think about the nation of India, I do not think about domestic violence, mass bombing and violent take overs of religious temples. I think of a peaceful group that might have problems due to its size, but the idea of extremist violence seams to far fetched. However, according to Mr.Roskin and Google I am mistaken.

All of thees posts, weather from a news source or an online encyclopedia page, all speak of how rape and pure hated violence are on the incline. I found all of these just by googling violence in India, which makes you think about how much is not going on to be reported. India has a population of 1.237 billion people all trying to be a functioning democracy, which leads to problems.

When trying to make a government look like its working, it needs to look as if everybody is happy. So hiding violence would be one way to do that. meaning that it is very possible that there is far more happening in India that what we are able to read I the Western world. 

Monday, March 17, 2014

The overly happy people of China and there incredibly low levels of oppression.

Google entered the Chinese market in 2005, under certain restriction. One of which wad that the Chinese government was allowed to censor the results that wold come up, and for a few years this was an okay system in the eyes of Goggle. Then in 2009 people in china started hacking Google servers to which Google's response was to bypass Google China and rout all searches through Google Hong Kong. This all do to over restricting search laws.

In 2010. Google stopped bypassing the Chinese version of Google and instead placed a link on the Google home page which would redirect you to This was done so Google would be able to stay in the Chinese market.

Before Google china was developed, you could access Google from any Chinese computer. However approximately 90% of content was blocked by the Chinese government. 

This just shows to what extent the government of china has been hiding from their people. This helps show what level of oppression still exists in parts of the world today.